I just read about this and it looks really promising! Google is definitely going the open way of promoting their platform and this is the only way that will be successful. Once you have your mobile operating system on the majority of mobile devices running then you rule the mobile world!
Giving away Android for free, the SDK for free and allowing everyone (developers, companies, users) to connect with each other is the only way you can go when you are completely new to the mobile device market. There are already established and very successful companies providing highly sophisticated mobile operating systems like Symbian (mainly pushed by Nokia and SonyEricsson), RIM (with their BlackBerry), Apple & the iPhone, Palm, and of course Windows Mobile with its variety of handset manufacters. Well, we have seen with the fall of Palm that this can change very fast if you have a better system and a better user acceptance. This is where Google is going to and it will be very interesting to keep an eye on this process!
Anyway, here are some images:
Just came across your blog. Nice work! Keep it going.